DOL settles with Nash Finch for $188,500

The press release below came out just today. The thing I find notable is that, although the settlement amount isn’t tremendous for a company this size, the real cost was quite a bit larger. The audit which led to this settlement began in May of 2005, meaning Nash Finch has been accruing legal and consulting fees for over…
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OFCCP Performs Background Checks?

Yes, they do.  But we don’t mean the background checks the OFCCP conducts when hiring new compliance officers.  We mean the OFCCP performs checks on companies they audit, beginning from the moment a scheduling letter . When that scheduling letter goes out, OFCCP compliance officers (COs) are expected to contact the EEOC, state and local…
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OFCCP’s Recently Rescinded 31 Directives

The OFCCP recently rescinded 31 redundant or outdated directives. The enforcement agency issued two directives (300 and 302) on April 18, 2012 and June 14, 2012, the first canceling 18 outdated directives, the second canceling 13.  The following lists are the rescinded directives as taken from the DOL website. From Directive 300: OBSOLETE DATA: The OFCCP directives…
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Monsanto: AAP, ROI and Serious Business

Although they’ve avoided a general press release, we’ve gotten our hands on the Consent Decree for Monsanto’s Soda Springs location and found it very educational.   It reaffirms our suspicion that certain companies (or at least, certain managers at certain locations of those companies) continue to ignore their responsibility as federal contractors.   They also dismiss business…
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