Why Can’t Companies Keep Proper Hiring Records?

How would your organization rank if its employment records were audited right now? Would you find that records are kept as required by law? Do you know what those legal requirements are? It really appears that companies fall apart—especially the recidivists—on primarily two pieces of record keeping:  1) Defining an Applicant and 2) Disposition. This…
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Pepsi Reminds Us to Be Careful With Background Checks

Pepsi recently had a run-in with what looks like a good policy…until you realize it isn’t.  They previously had a policy, requiring background checks, to not hire anyone with an arrest pending prosecution even if they had not been convicted of anything. In a society that claims to uphold “innocent until proven guilty”, it’s easy…
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Top Three Common Compensation Policy Mistakes

Always at or, at least, near the top of employee wish lists, compensation policies and levels are also a common source of staff displeasure. In the 21st century, inequities in or insensitivity to compensation issues can blossom into expensive employee turnover or litigation, typically related to discrimination. As seasoned HR executives are aware, some of…
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Defending Your Hiring

Last week I wrote about Kate Williams research into the results of legal actions taken relating to certain hiring practices.  Primarily, I focused on the financial outcomes of settling or going through the entire courtroom process, dependent largely on whether a company is facing individual plaintiffs or plaintiffs backed by the EEOC or OFCCP. Today…
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